The Fine Chairs

The Fine Chairs

Get the album: The guests: Benno Schlachter - drums on "Ain't No Rules"/ Florian Dieckmann - drums on "For Heaven's Sake"/ Hermann von Ehrenstein - bass on "Ain't No Rules"/ Mike Elsner - harmonica on "Keep The Distance"/ Nina Lorenz - female vocal on "Where Are You Now"/ Rudi Macanga - bass on

Get the album: The guests: Benno Schlachter - drums on "Ain't No Rules"/ Florian Dieckmann - drums on "For Heaven's Sake"/ Hermann von Ehrenstein - bass on "Ain't No Rules"/ Mike Elsner - harmonica on "Keep The Distance"/ Nina Lorenz - female vocal on "Where Are You Now"/ Rudi Macanga - bass on "Where Are You Now"/ Sandy Hannekum - drums on "You Did Never Try" & "Off Your Track"

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