
The Fine Chairs is a Hamburg/Germany based band. The band was founded in August 2021 by Sebastian Teufel and Christian Urban. Since then, they’ve released their debut album, three singles and a new album. The band’s musical influences have their roots in British guitar music, from some of the great ones, including The Beatles, Oasis, Coldplay, Billy Bragg, Paul Weller and The Kinks. The Fine Chairs may consider themselves a pop-rock outfit, but after listening through their music, make no mistake – they are much more than that. A fusion of influences and styles, combined with clear musical skill and tied together with well-crafted songs and a distinct lead vocal makes this group far more memorable than many of their contemporaries.

The Fine Chairs are:

Sebastian Teufel - lead vocal, guitar & keys

Christian Urban - guitars

Rudi Macanga - bass

Marcin Kuziel - drums